Thursday, June 5, 2008

Rain, rain, you can stay...

...I've got lots to do today! As the weather continues to get nicer, I'm finding it more and more difficult to stay inside and sew. The forecast is calling for rain all week, so I'm going to try to take advantage and get some sewing done. Here's my to do list:

1.) Sew dress for me for upcoming wedding.
2.) Sew bloomers for Nadija to match the dress that she's wearing to the wedding.
3.) Sew apron for Nadija cause I just think toddlers in aprons are so darn cute!

With only three tasks, it's not a very long list, but with housework and a 14 month old lurking over my shoulder, it can be difficult to sit down and sew something from start to finish. I just keep truckin' along and tossing fabric scraps at my daughter to keep her occupied while I sew. Who knows, maybe one day she'll love sewing as much as I do. When she's old enough, I like to get her one of those child sewing machines like this one. How cute?!

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