Thursday, March 6, 2008

Taking a stand

Nadija has been cruising along furniture for quite some time now. I'd say it's been about a month and a 1/2. She's getting very confident in her cruising abilities, too, as I will often find her standing on one foot with the other kicking out to the side.

She seems to be nervous about walking, though, because even though she has mastered cruising, she refuses to walk with me while I hold her hands. Typically if I try to get her to walk with me she will just sit down and crawl to me.

I think we're making headway though, because yesterday as she was using me as her crutch, she pushed off a bit and stood by herself for a few seconds! I'm so excited that she is taking steps (no pun intended) toward learning how to walk! Maybe my back will get some relief in the near future!

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