Friday, December 7, 2007

He's checking his list...

This afternoon, my hubby took off work early so we could take Nadija, our daughter, to see Santa Claus! It being her first Christmas, pretty much everything is a big deal. So we got her dressed in her red "On the nice list" shirt to show Santa that she's been a good girl. Off to the mall - er North Pole we went! We stood in line behind all of the other children waiting to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas. A few cried, a few gave Santa Christmas lists and others sat on his lap just for a quick picture. When our turn came, I didn't know what to expect from my little elf. Would she cry? Laugh? Grab Santa's beard? We walked up to the most amazing Santa ever - bright blue eyes, white beard and little wire glasses perched on his rosey nose. I sat Nadija on his lap, and she did just as I hoped she would. She sat there, looked at Santa a couple of times and squeezed out a tiny smile for the camera. So her first visit to see Santa was a huge success! Ahhh, I love this time of year! I'm so excited to teach Nadija everything about Santa and fill her with Christmas joy! Stay tuned for a picture of Nadija with Santa!

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