On to the good stuff. After spending the better part of a week preparing for the show, I trucked all of my handmade goodness up to Round Lake Beach for their first annual craft show at their Beach Fest. I had the pleasure of sharing a booth with a friend that I met at the last craft show I did. Monica is an extremely talented, wonderfully delightful person who has a shop on etsy selling purses. It is definitely worth your time to check out her shop!
The show was a two day event at the new Civic Center in Round Lake Beach overflowing with talent from all different arenas. On the first day we were stuck in a dark corner that didn't get much traffic, but we made the best of it by chit-chatting and exchanging ideas and trying to soak in as much experience as we could. At the end of our first day we found out that there was an open space in a much better location, so we made quick work of making sure we could move there the following day.
Our second day went much better than the first. We had better traffic, better light, better neighbors and better sales! We were beginning to feel like it was worth our while to be there! Monica did rather well the second day, selling quite a few purses and hand bags. As for me, I tend to have great expectations, so nothing is ever good enough! I learned a lot over the weekend though and am definitely looking forward to the next show.
Here is a snap shot of my table on the second day. Much better! Better lighting, better layout and much better display on my part! Unfortunately I don't have a picture of Monica's table on the second day, but luckily her free lance photographer hubby does! You can see his blog and additional pictures here.
Well, that was my weekend in a nutshell. Lots of fun, lots learned and lots of excitement about doing another show!
Thanks for reading!